Monday, October 18, 2010

Apply to host a Hershey's Baking/Cookie Exchange Party

Hershey's is accepting applications to host a cookie swap.  They supply a ton of products, recipes, and other fun things.  You invite your friends for a day of baking and eating the diet of elves. I applied last year and was not picked to host, so I am hoping my odds are better this year.  I love holiday cookies and cookie exchanges.  It's going to be a long 9 weeks dreaming of the goodies that will appear at our Rehab/Dietary/Co-Worker swap at CVPH.  I am dreaming of Stacy's Ritz Peanut butter creations.  Someone made date balls last year- I hope to see those again! I would be in heaven if someone would make Oreo truffles.  I will be making my homemade chocolates, cake balls, and cake pops.  I am honing my candy making skills over the next few weeks.  If you live in Plattsburgh and like to make candy or cakes- Global Sugar Art on Rt. 3 is pure bliss.  I plan on making my first trip down to get some supplies next week.  So I digress, try taking advantage of the Hershey's opportunity.  If you are chosen you will be able to make some one's cookie dreams come true. CLICK HERE TO APPLY

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